When you are answering the Privacy Policy questionnaire, you will be asked to disclose with what categories of third parties you share the personal information that you collect. We ask for the categories of third parties (e.g. email marketing vendors) instead of the names of third parties (e.g. Mailchimp) because doing so is an acceptable level of disclosure under Article 13 (1)(e) of the General Data Protection Regulation and Section 3 (a) (4) of the California Consumer Privacy Act and other privacy laws. Doing so also helps reduce the length of your Privacy Policy, making it easier to read and allows you to easily change vendors without having to update your Privacy Policy each time. 

Once you determine what categories of third parties you share personal information with, select the proper categories by clicking on them on the list provided. If you do not see a specific category that you need on the list provided, you can always click "other" and input your selection. We have labeled the most common categories of third parties that our customers' websites share personal information with the label "popular".