When you start creating your Privacy Policy, the first set of questions will be used to determine what privacy laws apply to you, and thus what disclosures your Privacy Policy needs to contain. The question of "do you process the data of people located in the United Kingdom" will determine whether you need to comply with the UK's Data Protection Act 2018

UK's Data Protection Act 2018 will apply once the transitional period for the UK leaving the European Union ends. This law will apply to you if you: 

  • Are located in the United Kingdom; 
  • Offer goods or services to residents of the United Kingdom, regardless of your location; or
  • Monitor the behavior of UK residents, regardless of your location. 

While the mere fact that your website may be accessed in the UK is not sufficient to subject you to the UK's Data Protection Act 2018, you should select "yes" to this question if you collect and process the personal data of residents of the United Kingdom, monitor their behavior via analytics or similar technologies, or sell goods or services to them. 

Please note that if you do select "yes" to this question, you will be asked additional questions to meet the disclosure requirements under the UK's Data Protection Act 2018.