If you would like to cancel your Termageddon subscription for one or more licenses on your account, please visit https://termageddon.com/cancel/. On this page, you will be able to select whether you: 

  • Would like to cancel all of your subscriptions; or 

  • Would like to cancel one or more of your subscriptions, but not all. 

You will also be able to choose whether you would like us to delete your account. If you request that your account be deleted immediately, your policies will no longer display on your website or application. On the other hand, if you ask us not to delete your account or to delete your account after your subscription expires and upon the auto-renewal date, then your policies will no longer display upon the auto-renewal date. 

Please note that if you cancel your subscription, your respective policies will continue to display until the auto-renewal date (if you do not request us to delete your account). On the auto-renewal date, your policies will no longer be displayed on your website or application. This could leave you in non-compliance with the privacy laws that apply to you. 

Why is Termageddon charged on a recurring basis? 

We charge you on a monthly or annual basis (depending upon the plan that you chose) due to the fact that we monitor privacy laws, bills, regulations, and cases and can make updates to your policies when things change. This ensures that your policy is up to date and can help you avoid privacy-related fines and lawsuits. To learn more about the bills that we are currently tracking, see our privacy bill tracker. To learn more about why a static Privacy Policy is not a good idea, read our article that explains the dangers of having an out of date policy. 

Not sure if you should cancel your subscription? 

Book an appointment with a Termageddon representative and we can help walk you through the policy generation questionnaire and answer any questions that you may have: https://calendly.com/termageddon/30min