When you are answering the Privacy Policy questionnaire, you will be asked whether you participate in an Australian external dispute resolutions scheme. This question is required by the Australia Privacy Act 1988. An external dispute resolution scheme is one that the Australian Information Commissioner has recognized under the law as a way to handle particular privacy-related complaints. External dispute resolution schemes are used for privacy-related complaints that arise with the following types of entities: 

  • Banks; 
  • Electricity, gas or water providers; 
  • Financial planners; 
  • Insurers; 
  • Mortgage brokers; 
  • Public transportation providers; 
  • Supper annuation funds; 
  • Telecommunications; and 
  • Tolling. 

You can find the full list of external dispute resolution schemes here. You should select "yes" to this question only if you have actively opted in to participate in an Australian external dispute resolution scheme.