When you are answering the Privacy Policy questionnaire, you will be asked whether you intend to transfer data to a country outside of Australia or to an international organization. This disclosure is required by the Australia Privacy Act 1988. Transfers of data can take place via the following means: 

  1. You are located in Australia but have employees or contractors in another country (e.g. United States) that access and process data in that other country (e.g. make lists of customers, import customer information into a mailing list, etc.);
  2. You are located in Australia but your website's host is located in another country (e.g. United States); 
  3. You are located in Australia but your website's designer is located in another country (e.g. United States) and they can access the data from your website when implementing new features or fixing bugs; 
  4. You share data with a vendor (e.g. email marketing vendor or email services provider) that is located in another country (e.g. United States); 
  5. You are located in a country outside of Australia and process data outside of Australia. 

You should select "yes" to this question if you intend to transfer data to a country outside of Australia.