Have you ever thought to yourself: "I have no idea if I need a cookie consent feature on my website"?

Your Termageddon Privacy Policy questionnaire can help.

That is because whether your website needs a cookie consent banner depends on what privacy laws apply to you. That is why Termageddon's Privacy Policy questionnaire can help determine if you need a cookie consent banner and, if you do need one, you will be alerted and provided with the ability to activate your Cookie Policy and cookie consent solution. 

What are opt in consent frameworks

Opt in consent frameworks are consent banners where website visitors are opted out of non-essential Services by default (analytics embeds, ad trackers, third party video embeds, etc). They must take action (such as clicking 'accept all') in order to provide explicit consent to being tracked via these Services. 

The following laws require an opt in consent framework:

Opt in consent framework for CIPA coverage:

If you include California in your answer to the above question, you will be provided the option to create a consent banner for CIPA coverage on page 3 of the Privacy Policy questionnaire (unless you answer 'yes' to any of the opt out questions listed below).

Opt in consent framework for GDPR coverage:

If you answer "yes" to EITHER ONE of these questions, GDPR will apply and the Cookie Policy and Consent Tool will be available for activation on page 3 of the Privacy Policy questionnaire.

Opt in consent framework for UK DPA coverage:

If you answer "yes" to EITHER ONE of these questions, UK DPA will apply and the Cookie Policy and Consent Tool will be available for activation on page 3 of the Privacy Policy questionnaire.

Opt in consent framework for PIPEDA (Canada) coverage:

Opt in consent framework for Quebec Law 25 coverage:

What are opt out consent frameworks

Opt out consent frameworks are consent banners where website visitor data is allowed to be collected and/or shared with third party technologies and the visitor is tracked by those technologies, which are considered non-essential (analytics embeds, ad trackers, third party video embeds, etc.), but users are provided a choice if they want to opt out of that data being collected, shared, or sold.

The following laws require an opt out consent framework:

Opt out consent framework if you generate >$25 million in annual revenue:

If you answer 'yes' to this question, you will be provided an opt-out consent framework, as at least one privacy law that applies to you requires it (CPRA and/or UCPA).

Opt out consent framework for CPRA coverage:

If you generate over $25 million per year in revenue, or you answer "Yes" to any of the questions in the above screenshot, then you will be provided an Opt out consent banner for CPRA coverage.

Opt out consent framework for VCDPA coverage:

If you answer "Yes" to any of the questions in the above screenshot, then you will be provided an Opt out consent banner for VCDPA coverage.

Opt out consent framework for Colorado Privacy Act coverage:

If you you answer "Yes" to any of the questions in the above screenshot, then you will be provided an Opt out consent banner for Colorado Privacy Act coverage.

Opt out consent framework for UCPA coverage:

If you generate over $25 million per year in revenue, or you answer "Yes" to the question in the above screenshot, then you will be provided an Opt out consent banner for UCPA coverage.

Opt out consent framework for Connecticut SB6 coverage:

If you answer "Yes" to any of the questions in the above screenshot, then you will be provided an Opt out consent banner for Connecticut SB6 coverage.