The final page of the Cookie Policy and consent solution will ask you to scan your website. This is to identify cookies the website uses.

Scanner best practices:

1. Use a sitemap xml url for your scan- If you have one, we highly recommend adding your website's sitemap URL to perform the scan, as this can provide a more comprehensive list of scripts (and cookies) the website uses. It is recommended that you use a .xml sitemap url (not html). At the bottom of this article, you can find popular web building platforms with instructions on how to identify your sitemap xml url.

2. (Temporarily) Disable bot protection - If you are receiving a scan error message, try temporarily disabling bot prevention services such as Cloudflare Bot Fight mode.  Because Usercentrics needs to scan your website to identify all scripts that are placing cookies on your visitor's browsers, tools that block scanners must be temporarily disabled. Be sure to re-enable any bot protection features after the scan is complete. 

3. (Temporarily) disable any "minify JS" or "delay JS" features that are enabled - Many WordPress website owners user performance plugins to help speed up the website. If you are using a performance plugin (such as Perfmatters, WP Rocket, or SG Optimizer), try temporarily disabling any 'minify JS' and 'delay JS' features that may be enabled. This helps the scan run as successfully as possible. 

4. Manually add Services - Not seeing a Service you know that your website is using? Click the purple "Add New Service" button, wait for the Services to load (may take up to a minute), and select which Service you would like to have added.  You can also add custom Services as well. 

How to find your Sitemap:

Below are some common web building platforms and their respective sitemap URL:

WordPress websites

Default: "/wp-sitemap.xml"

Didn't work? Try: "/sitemap.xml"

If you are using WordPress, add "/sitemap.xml" to your website domain. 

So for example, if your website url is, then you would list

Test it! Type in your sitemap url into a browser and see if the page loads. The URL may load, or it may auto-forward to the correct sitemap url (such as "/wp-sitemap.xml" or "/sitemap_index.xml"). Once you've confirmed the sitemap url, you can add it to your Scan within the questionnaire.

Are you still not seeing a sitemap on your WordPress article? You may want to consider adding one (here's a third party article discussing how to do this).

Squarespace websites

Default: "/sitemap.xml"

If you are using Squarespace, add "/sitemap.xml" to your website domain. 

So for example, if your website url is, then you would list

Test it! Type in your sitemap url into a browser and see if the page loads. Once confirmed you can add it to your Scan within the questionnaire.

Shopify websites

Default: "/sitemap.xml"

If you are using Shopify, add "/sitemap.xml" to your website domain. 

So for example, if your website url is, then you would list

Test it! Type in your sitemap url into a browser and see if the page loads. Once confirmed you can add it to your Scan within the questionnaire.

Shopify provides more information on its sitemap URLs in this article.