When answering the Cookie Policy and cookie consent tool questionnaire, you will be asked to select your Policy Settings Trigger. This question is asking you to select the trigger that will appear after someone has made their cookie consent selections. The individual will click on the trigger to change their cookie consent settings, either providing or withdrawing their consent to certain cookies. 

Button (fingerprint icon) - this Policy Settings Trigger will appear as a fingerprint icon on your website’s pages that the user can click to change their cookie consent settings. 

Privacy settings hyperlink - this Policy Settings Trigger will appear as a Privacy Settings link on the footer of your website that the user can click to change their cookie consent settings. If you choose this option, you will be provided with an additional embed code to add to your website (for example, within your website footer).

To select your Policy Settings Trigger, please click on the trigger that you’d like to appear on your website. 

I don't want this - what can I do? Although giving certain users the ability to change their consent settings is a requirement under multiple privacy laws, if you still don't want to provide this ability, you can select the "Privacy settings hyperlink" option and simply not embed that script into your website.  This is NOT recommended though, due to it being a requirement under multiple privacy laws.