Using Termageddon with a Duda website?  You have two options to embed the cookie consent solution:

Option #1 - Use Usercentrics from the Duda App Store

If you are already utilizing the Usercentrics consent banner provided within the App Store, then you only need to embed the Cookie Policy.  There is no need to re-embed the generated Usercentrics embed code.

Option #2 - How to embed the code into the head

After you complete the Cookie Policy and Consent Tool questionnaire, you can follow these steps to add the Usercentrics embed code to your website:

1. Click the Left Panel's "Settings" button and click "Head HTML" from the submenu.

2. Copy the Usercentrics embed code into the "Head HTML" section and click 'save'. It will look like this:

Be sure to embed the code at the top, above all other scirpts, so that Usercentrics can properly control the scripts that load after.