Here are the steps to update your Privacy Policy questionnaire to address the latest disclosure requirements:

1. Step 1: Log into your account at  If you forgot your password, you can reset it here:

2. Step 2: Click the purple ‘update required’ button next to your license. 

3. Step 3: If you need to update the global license information questions, click the purple “Update” button, answer any blank/unanswered questions, and click 'save'.  The button will appear purple if you are required to update this information (otherwise proceed to the next step).

4. Step 4:  Click "Edit Policy Details" within the Privacy Policy box:

5. Step 5: Answer all the questions within the Privacy Policy questionnaire, clicking "Next" to view each set of questions. The screenshot below shows the qualifiers listed on the first page: 

Make sure to click 'next' and answer any new/unanswered questions. This is also a good time just to review your answers just in general.

Seeing an option to activate a Cookie Policy and Consent Tool? 

In 2022, we released a complimentary Cookie Policy and cookie consent solution. If you are seeing a prompt to activate the Cookie Policy and Consent Tool, you are welcome to activate it and generate those assets for your business as well (available after you complete the update for your Privacy Policy).  Once generated, implementation instructions will be provided (or you can ask your web designer for a quote to add those to your website).

6. Step 6: Click 'submit' on the final page of the Privacy Policy questionnaire. Clicking 'submit' is essential, as this ensures the updates are ready to be pushed to your Privacy Policy page throughout 2023.  You do not need to re-embed the policy embed code(s); the moment you click 'submit' is when the updates take effect live on your website policy page(s) with the new disclosures.

7. Possible additional step 7: if you previously made overrides (via the "Override Policy" feature), we may not be able to push updates to particular sections of your Privacy Policy.  You will will need to click “update overrides” and choose what overrides to keep and what new text to implement. You will see a prompt next to "Override Policy" (or "Update Overrides") if this is the case:

That’s it!  You can now sit back and Termageddon will push any respective updates throughout 2023.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Why am I receiving this email?
You have either purchased or were shared access to a Termageddon license that is in need of answers to new questions to potentially make new disclosures in your website’s Privacy Policy. Termageddon provides website policies that automatically update with newly required disclosures over time. If you were shared access to a license, chances are it was from your website designer, a coworker or your attorney.

How long will this take?

Most customers will have this questionnaire updated within 10 minutes or less.  Updating the questionnaire now also preps your account for updates in 2024 for additional privacy laws going into effect.

I'm not located in Quebec, does this update pertain to me?
Privacy laws protect people, so your location does not matter. What matters is if your website collects the the personal information of residents of Quebec, Canada. Unless you are blocking visitors from Quebec from visiting your website or you are confident there is zero chance that you will collect the personal information of residents of Quebec, it is best to get your Privacy Policy questionnaire updated. Most customers will have 1-3 new questions to answer.

What is a 'do not share my personal information' page?
If CPRA applies to you and you listed 'targeted advertising' as to why you collect any types of personally identifiable information and you selected that you share this personal information with third parties (on page 2 of the questionnaire), you are required to provide a page on your website where users can submit a request for the website owner to ensure they do not share their personal information for the purposes of targeted advertising.

If you no longer use personal information for targeted advertising, you can unselect that item within page 2 of the Privacy Policy questionnaire (click 'next' and 'submit'), and therefore not be required to provide this page.

If you indeed still use personal information for targeted advertising and sharing that information with third parties (e.g. the advertising provider), you need to provide a link to this page within your Privacy Policy and provide the ability to consumers to opt out of this targeted advertising (for example, provide a form requesting their email and/or social media profile page URL so that you can submit it to the advertising company, like Meta, to no longer target that individual). With Meta targeted advertising, for example, you can 'block' that user from your business profile page and Meta states it will no longer run targeted advertising towards that individual.

We believe California will make adjustments to this particular new requirement, as there are still a lot of questions that need to be answered by them. We will continue to monitor progress with this new law.

Can my web designer answer these questions for me?
No. The new questions are about your business, so the website owner (and/or the website owner's attorney) needs to answer these questions. If you find yourself needing to create a new page on your website (such as a 'do not share my personal information' page), your web designer can likely provide you with a quote to get this created.

Can I share my license with my attorney or other people on my team?
Yes. Each Termageddon license has a ‘users’ tab, where you can click ‘share license’ and share access with anyone you would like. Termageddon licenses are often shared with the website owner, their web designer (for implementation), their coworkers, and their attorney, for example.

When are the automatic updates?
Upon answering the new questions, the newly required disclosures will be generated and pushed live to your website. You can review the new policy on the 'view policy' tab or on your live website. You can customize the copy via the 'override policy' link within your Termageddon account. Automatic updates are released just before the effective date of new (or amended) privacy laws.

I see an option to activate a Cookie Policy and Consent Tool, what should I do?
In 2022, we released a complimentary Cookie Policy and cookie consent solution. If you are seeing a prompt to activate the Cookie Policy and Consent Tool, you are welcome to activate it and generate those assets for your business as well.  Once generated, implementation instructions will be provided (or you can ask your web designer for a quote to add those to your website).