Each Termageddon license can be shared with other users.  The main license owner (labeled the license Manager) controls the billing and up to 20 individuals can have access to a single license as 'Editors' (they have all the same rights except for controlling the billing for that license). 

Sharing licenses helps ensure:

1. Website owners receive updates from Termageddon when policies are changing, when new questions need to be answered, and more. 

2. Attorneys can review questionnaires and even customize policy copy (via the override feature)

3. Web designers can access your license's embed codes to install your Termageddon policies into your website.

To Share license access with another person:

1. Log in (https://app.termageddon.com)

2. Click into your license (if you haven't purchased/setup a license yet, follow the setup instructions)

3. Click the 'users' tab (on the left hand side of the license)

4. Click 'share license', enter the email who you want to share the license with then click 'share license'

Now, the person you shared license access to will receive an email from Termageddon offering them to accept access to the license.  

You can also 'delete' users access within the "Users" tab.

If the person you shared a license with is not seeing the invite from Termageddon, please ask them to check their spam folder. If that doesn't work, please ask them to add 'noreply@termageddon.com' to their list of email contacts (although rare, this does happen when the person is using advanced email firewalls).