After implementing Usercentrics, you may experience issues with buttons not being clickable when viewed on mobile.  This tends to almost always be due to a third party performance plugin that is being used to modify scripts. 

How to fix: 

Try disabling any JS modifications, clear your site cache, and then test in a fresh incognito window. If you use Perfmatters, for example, you need to go into the Perfmatters plugin, and disable Fastclick (as well as disable any JS modifications).  Once you isolate where the problem exists within the performance plugin, you can move forward with further optimization.

How to continue using Fastclick while still delaying JavaScript with Perfmatters:

  1. Navigate to Settings -> Perfmatters -> Assets (tab)
  2. Toggle ON the "Delay Javascript" option.
  3. Ensure "Enable FastClick" is enabled.
  4. Add "fastclick" into the Delayed Scripts textarea.
  5. Save your changes and clear your cache.
It should look like the following:

Reminder - you may also need to exclude Usercentrics scripts from being deferred/delayed by following these steps.

Once completed, clicking the consent tool buttons within an ios device should work as expected.