To answer this question, please select the states in which you do business. You may select the state(s) from the list provided, select all U.S. states or select “none” (you should select “none” if you do not do business in the United States). 

Doing business in a particular state in the United States means engaging in one or more of the following activities in that state: 

  • Having a business that is organized, incorporated, formed, or commercially domiciled in that state; 

  • Consummating transactions with the state or a residents of that state (e.g. having customers in that state, whether individuals or the state itself);

  • Engaging in transactions in that state for the purpose of financial gain; 

  • Having an office in that state; 

  • Having employees in that state; 

  • Purposefully directing one’s activities towards that state; 

  • Purposefully availing oneself of the privilege of conducting activities in that state; or 

  • Otherwise engaging in any activity that constitutes a sufficient nexus with that state to satisfy the requirements of the United States Constitution. 

Related Privacy laws

Your answer to this question will help the software determine whether the following privacy laws may apply to you: 

  • Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 603A; 

  • California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA); 

  • Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (VCDPA); 

  • Colorado Privacy Act; 

  • Utah Consumer Privacy Act; 

  • Connecticut SB6; 

  • Texas Data Privacy and Security Act (TDPSA); 

  • Oregon Consumer Privacy Act (OCPA).