Are you for a for-profit entity?
To answer this question, please select “yes” if you are a for-profit entity or select “no” if you are a not-for-profit (or nonprofit) entity.
For-profit entities are those that aim to earn a profit through their business. Common examples of for-profit entities include:
Limited Liability Companies;
Limited Partnerships.
If you do business with the aim to earn a profit, then you should select “yes” as your answer to this question.
On the other hand, not-for-profits (or nonprofits) are organizations that do not aim to make a profit and are traditionally dedicated to furthering a particular social cause or advocating for a shared point of view. If you operate a not-for-profit (or nonprofit) such as a 501(c)(3) organization, you should answer “no” to this question.
This question will help the software determine whether the privacy laws that exempt nonprofits may apply to you.