To answer this question, please select “yes” if your website or application collects the personal information of Canadians or could do so. Please select “no” if your website or application does not collect the personal information of Canadians or if individuals from Canada are blocked from accessing your website or application or from providing you with their personal information. 

“Personal information” is generally defined as any information that could be used to identify a particular person or any information that relates to an identified person. Examples of personal information include: 

  • Name; 

  • Email; 

  • Physical address; 

  • Phone number; or IP address. 

Websites and applications will usually collect personal information through features such as: 

  • Contact forms; 

  • Email newsletter sign up forms; 

  • Analytics features (e.g. Google Analytics); 

  • eCommerce; 

  • Advertising (e.g. Facebook Pixel). 

Related Privacy laws

This question will help the software determine whether Canada’s privacy law, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) may apply to you.