To answer this question, please select “yes” if you do business in Australia or in any of the Australian external territories. Please select “no” if you do not do business in Australia nor in any of the Australian external territories. 

The presence of one or more of the following factors does mean that you are doing business in Australia: 

  • You have a place of business in Australia (e.g. you have an office or a store in Australia); 

  • You have employees or contractors in Australia; 

  • Your website offers goods or services to Australian consumers (e.g. you ship goods to Australia); 

  • Australia is one of the countries on a drop-down menu appearing on your website (e.g. on a checkout page on your website, individuals can select that their address is in Australia); 

  • Web content that forms part of carrying on the business was uploaded by you or on your behalf in Australia (e.g. your website designer is located in Australia and they uploaded the list of products that individuals can purchase from you through your website); 

  • You asses or act upon business or purchase orders in Australia (e.g. Australians can place purchase orders through your website or application); or 

  • You are a registered proprietor of trademarks in Australia (e.g. your logo was trademarked in Australia). 

Related Privacy laws

This question will help the software determine whether Australia Privacy Act 1988 may apply to you.