To answer this question, please input a description of how you calculate the value of the consumer’s personal information for the financial incentive, price or service difference. In calculating the value and drafting a description of such a calculation, you must consider one or more of the following factors:
The marginal value to the business of the sale, collection, or deletion of a consumer’s personal information;
The average value to the business of the sale, collection, or deletion of a consumer’s personal information;
The aggregate value to the business of the sale, collection, or deletion of consumers’ personal information divided by the total number of consumers;
Revenue generated by the business from the sale, collection, or retention of consumer’s personal information;
Expenses related to the sale, collection, or retention of consumers’ personal information;
Expenses related to the offer, provision, or imposition of any financial incentive or price or service difference;
Profit generated by the business from the sale, collection, or retention of consumers’ personal information;
Any other practical and reasonably reliable method of calculation used in good faith.
Related privacy law
California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA)