To answer this question, please select “yes” if you will still provide the Bona Fide Loyalty Program to a consumer that requests that you delete their personal information. If you will not be able to provide the Bona Fide Loyalty Program to a consumer that requests the deletion of their personal information, please select “no” to this question.
Many Loyalty Programs require consumers to submit their personal information (e.g. name and phone number or email address) to participate in the program as that is how the Program tracks rewards and benefits. The Colorado Privacy Act provides consumers with the right to ask a business to delete their personal information, which may impede on your ability or make it impossible to track rewards and benefits of the Program. However, if consumers will still be able to participate in the Program even if their personal information is deleted (e.g. the Program is a card with no personal information attached to it), please select “yes” to this question.
Related privacy laws
Colorado Privacy Act