We have noticed that some Wix websites have issues with 3rd party consent solutions when trying to click a button within the consent tool.

The issue is almost always due to the safariPolyfill.ts file provided as part of Wix. By disabling function s and function i, the widget works as expected.

Regarding a solutions for this, there is unfortunately not too many options as Wix does not allow customization/disabling of this script. 

If possible, I would recommend reaching out to them. For context, this script creates a "click" event on the <button> elements. Here is also a snapshot of the line of code that is causing the click events to be ignored.

Next steps:

If you are experiencing this issue with your Wix website, where buttons don't work within the cookie consent while viewing your website on mobile, the only option that we are aware of is it use the default cookie consent solution provided by Wix.  You can continue using the Termageddon generated Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy for future automatic-updates to your policies.

If you'd like our help verifying whether this is the issue or not, you can submit a ticket here.