If you are using Webflow with reCaptcha, you may experience issues with reCaptcha properly responding to the Usercentrics consent solution. This is due to how reCaptcha loads within the Webflow header; webflow places reCaptcha above the Usercentrics script, which results in Usercentrics not being able to control the script until the page is refreshed. 

To resolve this issue:

1. Put the reCaptcha SECRET Key into the respective field within Webflow.  Do *not* add the license key.

2. Paste the following code directly below the Usercentrics code:

<script src="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?render=PUT-YOUR-SITE-KEY-HERE"></script>


      function onClick(e) {


        grecaptcha.ready(function() {

          grecaptcha.execute('PUT-YOUR-SITE-KEY-HERE', {action: 'submit'}).then(function(token) {

              // Add your logic to submit to your backend server here.





NOTE #1: reCaptcha is third party so technically consent is required.  However since it is a security feature, many customers will go to the final page of the Cookie Policy and Consent Tool questionnaire, click 'edit' next to reCaptcha, and under the General accordion, they change the Category from Functional to Essential.  This means reCaptcha will load regardless of user choice, as website owners want reCaptcha loading for security purposes.  Please note Termageddon is not a legal service provider and cannot provide legal advice on how to classify cookies.

NOTE #2: there are privacy friendly alternatives to reCaptcha. FriendlyCaptcha.com is a privacy friendly alternative that you could consider adding to your website to enhance privacy friendliness.