The PowerPack video player for WordPress websites will modify video embeds (like Youtube) to where consent tools can have difficulty capturing proper consent.
We have released an update to our plugin to support the PowerPack video player, however you need to also submit a ticket, requesting us to enable PowerPack compatibility for your license. Please contact us here for us to enable PowerPack video support for your license(s). We will enable Usercentrics' "Window Events" feature which will create a window event for you.
* This new feature is in Beta, requiring customers to reach out to notify us to enable this feature for them. Soon, we will update this article and provide DIY instructions on how to do this without the need to reach out to support.
1. contact us here and request PowerPack compatibility. Please provide the license in question. We will respond when done.
2. Then in your wp-admin area, go to Tools -> Termageddon + Usercentrics -> Settings and select/enable the "PowerPack Video Integration" feature and click 'Save Changes'
3. Test in a fresh incognito window (if you have geolocation enabled, you may need to temporarily disable that feature to test).