How to activate the cookie consent tool and generate a Cookie Policy on an existing Termageddon license
Termageddon now offers all of its customers a complimentary Cookie consent solution along with a Cookie Policy generator! These features become available base on how you answer the Termageddon Privacy Policy questionnaire, which is also available in all licenses.
Whether you received our email about the launch of these new features or if you noticed the new Optional Upgrade for a "Cookie Policy and consent tool", you are probably wondering how to activate and add them to your website. Please follow the steps below to do so:
Video Instructions:
Written Instructions:
Step 1: Log in to your Termageddon account at;
Step 2: Click on your license within your Termageddon dashboard;
Step 3: If we recommend that you have a cookie consent popup (based on how you answer the Privacy Policy questionnaire), you will see a new "Optional upgrade" listed on the Dashboard page, as well as a purple box titled “New complimentary feature: Cookie consent solution and Cookie Policy page” (see below) on your license page.
To activate your cookie consent solution and generate your Cookie Policy, click the “Launch cookie consent tool” button.
Step 4: Review the notice and agree to the Usercentrics’ policies and click “Activate Cookie Policy and Consent Tool” (see below).
Step 5: Review the appearance of your cookie consent popup. On this page, you will be able to choose what your cookie consent popup looks like to the users visiting your website. Click “next” once you have made your selections.
Step 6: Review the text that your cookie consent popup will display to users visiting your website. Click “next” once you have reviewed the text and made changes to the text.
Step 7: Review and select the specifications of your cookie consent popup. On this page, you will be able to choose whether the cookie consent popup resurfaces to users who have previously made their cookie selections, how often it refuses, how users can close the cookie consent popup and more. Click “next” once you have made your selections.
Step 8: Review and select the general settings for your cookie consent popup. On this page, please make sure to input the URL of your Privacy Policy page in the “Privacy Policy URL” field. If you have not created a page on your website for your Privacy Policy yet, we recommend that you enter in a placeholder such as and update that URL once you have the Privacy Policy page created on your website. Click “next” once you have made your selections on this page.
Step 9: Review the labels for the buttons that will be displayed on your cookie consent popup. Click “next” once you have reviewed the labels and made any edits.
Step 10: Enter in the URL of your website’s sitemap that will be scanned for cookies. Please note that we recommend that you input the URL of your sitemap because scans of the website’s sitemap will show you a more accurate representation of the cookies that are on your website. If you do not have the URL of your website’s sitemap, you can enter in the URL of your website home page. Once you have entered the URL, click “Run Scan”. Your website will now be scanned for any cookies that you have on the website (see below).
Please note that the scan may take several minutes, depending upon the size of your website. Do not close this page while the scan is running.
Step 11: Once the scan is completed, review the scan results (see below).
The scan will pre-fill the information for most of the technologies and cookies that are on your website. However, it is recommended that you still review the selections made by the scanner. You can review the selections made by the scanner by clicking “edit” next to each cookie that was identified by the scanner and reviewing the results on the right-hand side. If your website has a cookie that the scanner does not display, you can click “add new service” and fill in the information for the cookie that the scanner did not identify. Once you have reviewed the scan results and made any changes, you can click “submit” to finish the process.
Step 12: View Embed Code page. Once you click “submit” your Cookie Policy will be automatically generated along with your new cookie consent solution and you will be taken to the View Embed Code page (see below).
To embed your Cookie Policy onto your website, please follow these instructions:
To embed your cookie consent tool, see these instructions.