V2 - Remaining Questions - Privacy Policy questionnaire

What number of these requests to opt out of sale and/or sharing have you denied?
To answer this question, please input the number of requests to opt out of the sale and/or sharing of personal information that you have denied into the pro...
Mon, 4 Mar, 2024 at 1:16 PM
What number of requests to correct have you received?
To answer this question, please input the number of requests to correct that you have received in the last year into the provided box. If you have not recei...
Mon, 4 Mar, 2024 at 1:16 PM
What number of these requests to correct have you complied with in whole or in part?
To answer this question, please input the number of requests to correct that you have complied with in whole or in part into the provided box. Complying wit...
Mon, 4 Mar, 2024 at 1:17 PM
What number of these requests to limit have you received?
To answer this question, please input the number of requests to correct that you have denied into the provided box. Denying a request means not correcting t...
Mon, 4 Mar, 2024 at 1:18 PM
What number of requests to limit have you received?
To answer this question, please input the number of requests to limit that you have received in the last year into the provided box. If you have not receive...
Mon, 4 Mar, 2024 at 1:18 PM
What number of these requests to limit have you complied with in whole or in part?
To answer this question, please input the number of requests to limit that you have complied with in whole or in part into the provided box. Complying with ...
Mon, 4 Mar, 2024 at 1:18 PM
What number of these requests to limit have you denied?
To answer this question, please input the number of requests to limit that you have denied into the provided box. Denying a request to limit means continuin...
Mon, 4 Mar, 2024 at 1:19 PM
What is the median number of days within which you have substantively responded to these requests?
To answer this question, please input the median number of days within which you have substantively responded to the following types of requests:  Reques...
Mon, 4 Mar, 2024 at 1:19 PM
Please provide a link to your "Do Not Sell My Personal Information" page
To answer this question, please input a URL link to your “Do Not Sell My Personal Information” page (e.g. https://abccorporation.com/do-not-sell”). The purp...
Mon, 4 Mar, 2024 at 1:20 PM
Please provide a link to your "Do Not Share My Personal Information" page
To answer this question, please input a URL link to your “Do Not Share My Personal Information” Page (e.g. https://abccorporation.com/do-not-share). The pur...
Mon, 4 Mar, 2024 at 1:20 PM